
33 thoughts on “07/21/2014

  1. Junior Gauntlet is being a jerk, dear. ^^; Boys sometimes do that… but then, so do girls. Don’t let it get to you.

    You should found your own team. I bet Tyler and Flea would join. 😉

    1. The Superfriends! No, wait.

      1. “The Flea Circus”?

      2. First read as “Superfiends”, but that would be the Dark Judges.

    2. Maybe also Polly (The bouncy ball of fun!)

  2. Oh Gods of Gaming, I just flashed back to the Free Comic Book Day episode ‘Fracas With the Flea!’

  3. I didn’t think Flea could fly

    1. He’s not, He’s leaping, hence why Julie/84 is confused she hears his voice and turns to look and he gone, he leaps again and he behind her again

      1. Of course! I should have realized that. I’m glad to see the Flea again, he is one of my favourites.

        1. The Flea had to do this before the first time he met Captain Clarinet (in his debut in PS238; books only though).

        2. Just like spider man before the constant reboots and the “love you but can’t love you” and emo/angst base personalities.

  4. Oh please, pretty please let a team form consisting of 84, flea, Cecil, Tyler, and maybe even Ron (once he get’s his powers back) form up with the the Rev being their mission control.

    Pretty pretty please 😀

    1. Naw, Rev is an older mentor figure. Mission Control is run by Capt. Cecil Holmes. And Zodon is an unacknowledged (mostly by himself) member.

      1. I was thinking like Young Justice…you have the team then the resident Batman expy giving out the missions and stuff.

    2. Cecil refers to Moon Shadow as his partner, 84 clearly has a crush on Moon Shadow, and a half dozen or so other kids have teamed up with him by this point, including Emerald Gauntlet Jr, Guardian Angel, Polly Mer, Captain Clarinet, Flea, and American Eagle (twice). They always immediately accept/assume that Moon Shadow is the leader because he’s Moon Shadow and he’s awesome. And because I actively ship Ambriel and Zodon I predict that he will be an “associate” of any team that she’s a part of. That would make a pretty impressive roster, particularly since most of them managed to hold their own against Lord Dax-Ra, who is an experienced soldier on top of his considerable powers, while still being just kids (I really liked his reaction to facing what he perceived as child soldiers).

  5. This is going to be one of those days for 84. She had a lot of them in the last few months.

  6. I’ll be honest. I thought the Flea would be a little less blue and a little more camouflage.

    Or at least have a costume that changes color to blend with the background. I don’t really see blue blending in at Praetorian Academy. (If I remember correctly, the Flea has been spying on them.)

    1. With insects, he can spy on anyone.

    2. I always pictured him green for some reason.

    3. His suit could have active camouflage, thus helping him blend in better. And, as he’s against the sky, his suit has turned… blue… and grey… or maybe it’s only the blue part which can change…

      Oh, who am I kidding? In the original banner heading for the strip (and that in colour whilst the strip was still B&W), he had this blue/grey outfit.

      (Isn’t it annoying what your memory dredges up when you’re trying to come up with a new-fangled explanation for an old-fangled situation…)

    4. Flea was shown in color on a cover:

  7. Well, let’s see… You changed your union suit… And you’re 50 times more obnoxious than usual!
    My question is how did he find at least three other kids that will put up with him? The “politicals” would for the power he represents, but who could they have talked into being a third founding member? No one likes or trusts them…

    1. Plus, you don’t imagine that there’s ANY POSSIBLE WAY the two of them would be on the same team, do you? They’re probably heading up the two most obnoxious rival teams…

      1. Ummm… I think that the fact that both their Agenda requires they be on a team (preferably leading it) will require them to partner-up (as I said earlier: “no one else will play”. Admittedly, who is leader today will be a constant source of friction and mid-mission bickering…

    2. The two political kids each have the backing of powerful groups within the US government, as well as the support of many adults who identify with one of the political parties. So in addition to each having a really expensive headquarters and equipment, the parents of some kids may have been urging their children to work with one of them.

  8. See, not all kids are mean. Most are pretty nice. That’s why I don’t just dismiss a bit of egotistic showboating as “kids will be kids” – because they really aren’t always like that.

    1. cant remember where i heard it, but recently i heard that kids will often switch between remarkable kindness and abject cruelty with dizzying speed. the explanation was that they are kid, young humans who are still learning what their personality is

      1. I recall reading somewhere that the brain activity of children and sociopaths are astonishingly similar.

        Not calling children sociopaths or anything, it’s just that they’re still developing the ability to tell right from wrong.

        1. why not?

      2. You heard it in the comments for the last comic, where Segev said it, albeit with a different wording.

        1. To be fair, I read it somewhere, too. I just also have noticed it to be fairly accurate.

          Kids tend to not know any better, be extremely impressionable, and to want approval. Particularly from authority figures, but they’ll take it from each other, as well. They’re trying behaviors out to see what gets them approval.

          The thing is, they’re frighteningly insightful. Far more so than adults tend to give them credit for. Because of this, they learn lessons we may not intend if we don’t pay attention. They do discover what WORKS.

          I’m not a child psychologist, so this is all armchair theorizing at this point, mind.

          The difference between kids and sociopaths is that kids really do develop empathy. They treat other kids badly because they see that it might get them what they want, and will learn to dismiss that empathy if they get rewarded. “Reward” can be in the form of attention they won’t otherwise get, in the form of whatever they got from the other kids, or even in the form of seeming-approval from their victims by virtue of the victim kowtowing to them.

          It’s why the old adage of “fight back” works so well against bullies as kids. It doesn’t provide the ego-rewarding feedback that cowering or giving in does. It’s also why it’s very important to punish instigators and not “everybody equally” for “provoking” it. This is hard for adults; kids can be sneaky. But kids have an innate sense of fairness; they know, on some level, when they’re at fault and when they’re not. They learn to change that sense if they’re taught to, but they also can smell double standards a mile away.

          So it’s important to be consistent, be clear about what is right and wrong, and to be as investigative as possible to make sure you find the truth and discipline the RIGHT people for the RIGHT reasons.

          …and I’ll stop here before I rant too much more about certain kinds of so-called adult discipline wherein the victim is just as guilty as the troublemaker for daring to defend themselves.

  9. Power corrupts. Even kids. Especially kids. Am wondering when this will surface, but then again, maybe I am just cynical. So far most of the characters seem to be equipped with the superpower: Blase’.

    But I do like the color.

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