I have to wonder, given everything we’ve seen so far about Inept-Lad, might his real powers be the ability to appease people with control over his life? Maybe he’s not as dumb as he’s appeared to be.
He’s used to megalomaniacs, the way to control them is with a distraction appertaining to their mania. Then, when they are distracted one can do as one wills – like, maybe, escape?
The next step:
“So, I concealed this really rare one underneath a ridiculously heavy object. Why, if only you had someone super-strong who knew where it was! Such a shame I’m glued to a kite and can’t get it for you.
It’s the obvious plan. Whether or not it works, now there’s the question.
But yes, once a lackey, always a lackey. Still, it’s a useful trait in times like this.
side effect of the shrink ray is that it ages youb ack maybe 20,30 years. this guy looked like quantum leap actor in his late 40s when he first showed up
I thought people collected toys because they needed them. Not necessarily because they were of any value because they were rare, rather because they satisfied some need. My dad collected stuffed animals, star trek dolls, and Flintstones figurines. Completely took over my mom’s china cabinet. My Uncle collected Smurfs figurines, I think he sold them off or got rid of them when earthworm jim and Jazz Jackrabbit were popular.
Which, brings me to my next question. Yes, it’s rare, but the atlas lad’s toy probably holds as much value to an earthling as a hand carved knick-nack.
any more volumes been made since (Saving Alternate Omaha)? the comic store told me that #9 is the last one ever:( seems a waste as the series (ps238) is so funny and has so many open story lines it could go off on
15 thoughts on “07/15/2013”
Hmmm fast on the uptake or really making that type of an offer. Only the Shad.. ahh time will tell.
I vote for “fast on the uptake” – there’s bound to be some kind of security watch on that apartment.
Now why does that address sound familiar… ?
Not bad thinking there… wonder who he might be rooming with 🙂
I have to wonder, given everything we’ve seen so far about Inept-Lad, might his real powers be the ability to appease people with control over his life? Maybe he’s not as dumb as he’s appeared to be.
Frith Ra
He’s used to megalomaniacs, the way to control them is with a distraction appertaining to their mania. Then, when they are distracted one can do as one wills – like, maybe, escape?
Insubordinate powers activate!
The next step:
“So, I concealed this really rare one underneath a ridiculously heavy object. Why, if only you had someone super-strong who knew where it was! Such a shame I’m glued to a kite and can’t get it for you.
It’s the obvious plan. Whether or not it works, now there’s the question.
But yes, once a lackey, always a lackey. Still, it’s a useful trait in times like this.
side effect of the shrink ray is that it ages youb ack maybe 20,30 years. this guy looked like quantum leap actor in his late 40s when he first showed up
Prairie Son
Forak really is an idiot, isn’t he?
I thought people collected toys because they needed them. Not necessarily because they were of any value because they were rare, rather because they satisfied some need. My dad collected stuffed animals, star trek dolls, and Flintstones figurines. Completely took over my mom’s china cabinet. My Uncle collected Smurfs figurines, I think he sold them off or got rid of them when earthworm jim and Jazz Jackrabbit were popular.
Which, brings me to my next question. Yes, it’s rare, but the atlas lad’s toy probably holds as much value to an earthling as a hand carved knick-nack.
Hmmm! Methinks someone put skill points into Bluff. 😀
Prairie Son
Forak is completely transparent, and Near Mint is that nuts.
any more volumes been made since (Saving Alternate Omaha)? the comic store told me that #9 is the last one ever:( seems a waste as the series (ps238) is so funny and has so many open story lines it could go off on
But does it turn into a robot? That’s the important part.
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