
17 thoughts on “06/18/2014

  1. Great news about starting a new PS238 series! You are still missing one page from Aftermath – the invisible Cecil’s talk with Ron about potential powers later on, and fixing the birdbath. Thank you!

    1. I think that was posted, wasn’t it?

  2. “That’s the end?”–Janet Jackson

  3. Well, now I’m worried, because everyone was talking about no issues after this. At least not that got published in physical form. I hope this isn’t the end.

    1. His June 11th blog seems to hit at bright shiny new PS238 beyond this.

      1. As well as his one for today.

      2. I don’t believe it hinted, he flat out said new ps238.

        1. Starting next week, he said, which means he’s already been working on it.

          I’ve been hoping for this since 2011.

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO9lEN9y3mo

    This is the song I like listening to anytime I’ve finished something… I don’t know why.

    1. The AMV was cute, but; “Peter CABBIT?” Did they misunderstand the name of the book, or were there copyright issues?

      1. As I think about it, yes, there were probably copyright issues. I remember an old magic trick with sponge rabbits which was called “Peter Rabbit Goes To Town.” The owners of the copyright for “Peter Rabbit” got very upset and while you can still buy the trick, now it’s called “PAPA Rabbit Goes To Town.”

  5. That guy sounds very zen

  6. “If all you got is a hammer” applied to Fire Powers.

    1. If all you’ve got is a hammer, you SET IT ON FIRE!

  7. Let’s say you’re Ron. If you want to glow, but get your old powers back, surely invulnerability would mean that drinking glowstick juice wouldn’t kill you?

    WARNING: Jerden doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about. Even if you happen to be invincible, don’t try this at home.

    1. Eh, rub him in Hydrogen Peroxide, spray him with Luminol. Job done, glowing achieved (if only briefly). Next? :p

  8. Ah, but would Tyler be okay with being the cat?

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