
10 thoughts on “06/16/2014

  1. If I sad ‘follow the bouncing ball’ would I be considered a stalker

  2. “Head” home. I see what you did.

    1. Heads will roll.

  3. Poly calling the kettle black.

  4. Such an air-head.

  5. Time for bed.

    1. Heck, almost time to end the book. This is the penultimate page. Makes you wonder what we’ll be seeing here next week.

      1. You seem to be keeping track of where we are… WAS there a “missing” page between 1482 and 1483? I can’t find my dead-tree version (world’s worst housekeeper and TOO MANY book stacks it could be in).

  6. Does this make her a rolly-poly?

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