In class.
Murphy: [ Raises his hand ] Miss?
Ms. Kyle: Yes, Murphy?
Murphy: I need to leave for a few minutes.
Toby: [ Subdued groan of pain ]
Ms. Kyle: [ Glances over to Toby, who seems to getting a massive headache ] I understand. Be back as soon as you can.
Murphy: Yes ma’am. [ stands up ] Oh, can Julie, Ambreil and Toby come with me? I think I might need some back up. [ Ms. Kyle nods. All four fade from view, as Toby struggles to stand up with Julie’s help. ]
Hmm, could be some combination of Tyler-Ron-Cecil or Forak-84. Given what’s happened, either one could have been it. Or both, both these plots could have long term importance.
84, as Aaron noted in the commentary for one of the compilations (the last one, I think). The new volume was intended to be more Julie-centric, with Tyler moving more outside the limelight (which I suspect he’d be grateful for).
My copy of Saving Alternative Omaha simply says “This issue was a place to have a little fallout from previous events get settled, as well as to set up some foreshadowing for future stories. Ron and 84 have some especially interesting things in store for them…”
“Interesting” is delightfully non-specific. I’ve wondered if the new F.I.S.S. solidarity inspired by 84 was going to move things toward Argos (where F.I.S.S. killed off the ‘feral’ powers and established a tyranny over ‘softlings’). Julie would obviously fight that, but is she becoming a leader, or merely inspiring a movement?
Nothing further was published, of course.
IIRC, it was mentioned somewhere that several F.I.S.S. moved to Argos to assist Atlas’ reforms to grant ‘softlings’ more rights & keep the ‘Nobles’ in line without instigating a civil war.
I recall Atlas planning to stay and help with reforms on Argos, but I don’t recall him having F.I.S.S. help from Earth. How? He went back on Dax-Ra’s ship with 84, Moonshadow, and frozen Ron. 84 came home by singularity, and when Moonshadow and Ron launched Dax-Ra’s ship, the only existing copy of navigational information allowing Earth-Argos travel was deleted.
Anyway, I was just wondering if the possibility of a replay of Argosian meta-political history on Earth was meant to be a new danger addressed in the unrealized subsequent story arc featuring Julie.
I think Tyler’s added super power/curse is universe road sign. He is at important moments like a bookmark or something. Besides just because one important moment was going to happen it doesn’t mean others will also happen there at the same time.
So among his many powers Tyler’s clone can also sense moments of destiny, and seems like Tyler’s at quite a few of them given his comment. Too bad the person he’s talking to, perhaps due to her powers, is a bit too simple to understand the question to give a proper answer.
So Julie’s even managed to inspire someone who’d been so ground down by his people’s nature to want to do something to make things better for others who’re treated poorly like he’s been all his life. I wonder how far this will manage to grow him as a person now that someone’s managed to inspire him about something to actually take some initiative.
Remember that these are children. She may not be “simple” in anything but comparison to the adult readership (and the sometimes over-adult reasoning that we get from a few of the kids).
This isn’t to say children are dumb. They’re really not. But they tend to be very focused in what they apply their surprisingly deep understandings to. If they know the subject, they can extol on it with many adults, if the adults will listen. If they don’t, they lack the breadth of experience required to make educated guesses; thus, we get things like her “what color was it?” comment. She doesn’t know a “destiny” from a new kind of video game, because she isn’t familiar enough with even the broad subject to know what she does and doesn’t know about it.
15 thoughts on “06/13/2014”
Good thing Murphy wasn’t around, then – wouldn’t want his aura to get too itchy.
David Nuttall
In class.
Murphy: [ Raises his hand ] Miss?
Ms. Kyle: Yes, Murphy?
Murphy: I need to leave for a few minutes.
Toby: [ Subdued groan of pain ]
Ms. Kyle: [ Glances over to Toby, who seems to getting a massive headache ] I understand. Be back as soon as you can.
Murphy: Yes ma’am. [ stands up ] Oh, can Julie, Ambreil and Toby come with me? I think I might need some back up. [ Ms. Kyle nods. All four fade from view, as Toby struggles to stand up with Julie’s help. ]
Hmm, could be some combination of Tyler-Ron-Cecil or Forak-84. Given what’s happened, either one could have been it. Or both, both these plots could have long term importance.
Prairie Son
84, as Aaron noted in the commentary for one of the compilations (the last one, I think). The new volume was intended to be more Julie-centric, with Tyler moving more outside the limelight (which I suspect he’d be grateful for).
My copy of Saving Alternative Omaha simply says “This issue was a place to have a little fallout from previous events get settled, as well as to set up some foreshadowing for future stories. Ron and 84 have some especially interesting things in store for them…”
“Interesting” is delightfully non-specific. I’ve wondered if the new F.I.S.S. solidarity inspired by 84 was going to move things toward Argos (where F.I.S.S. killed off the ‘feral’ powers and established a tyranny over ‘softlings’). Julie would obviously fight that, but is she becoming a leader, or merely inspiring a movement?
Nothing further was published, of course.
IIRC, it was mentioned somewhere that several F.I.S.S. moved to Argos to assist Atlas’ reforms to grant ‘softlings’ more rights & keep the ‘Nobles’ in line without instigating a civil war.
I recall Atlas planning to stay and help with reforms on Argos, but I don’t recall him having F.I.S.S. help from Earth. How? He went back on Dax-Ra’s ship with 84, Moonshadow, and frozen Ron. 84 came home by singularity, and when Moonshadow and Ron launched Dax-Ra’s ship, the only existing copy of navigational information allowing Earth-Argos travel was deleted.
Anyway, I was just wondering if the possibility of a replay of Argosian meta-political history on Earth was meant to be a new danger addressed in the unrealized subsequent story arc featuring Julie.
I think Tyler’s added super power/curse is universe road sign. He is at important moments like a bookmark or something. Besides just because one important moment was going to happen it doesn’t mean others will also happen there at the same time.
Mr. Bawkbagawk
84 is about to become #1. viral superheroes ftw.
So among his many powers Tyler’s clone can also sense moments of destiny, and seems like Tyler’s at quite a few of them given his comment. Too bad the person he’s talking to, perhaps due to her powers, is a bit too simple to understand the question to give a proper answer.
So Julie’s even managed to inspire someone who’d been so ground down by his people’s nature to want to do something to make things better for others who’re treated poorly like he’s been all his life. I wonder how far this will manage to grow him as a person now that someone’s managed to inspire him about something to actually take some initiative.
Remember that these are children. She may not be “simple” in anything but comparison to the adult readership (and the sometimes over-adult reasoning that we get from a few of the kids).
This isn’t to say children are dumb. They’re really not. But they tend to be very focused in what they apply their surprisingly deep understandings to. If they know the subject, they can extol on it with many adults, if the adults will listen. If they don’t, they lack the breadth of experience required to make educated guesses; thus, we get things like her “what color was it?” comment. She doesn’t know a “destiny” from a new kind of video game, because she isn’t familiar enough with even the broad subject to know what she does and doesn’t know about it.
At least we are now reminded that the multiverse is rotating around Tyler.
You mean we didn’t already? 😀
“What color was it?” I love Poly.
AP’s line in the second panel sound a lot like the start to a bad pick-up line.
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