I suspect the question is: Is there enough d’aww factor to get her over the creepy stalker aspect?
In other words: You’ve got someone who genuinely thinks you are wonderful and doing great things. 🙂 He comes across as a creepy stalker 🙁 Which feeling wins out?
Moonshadow has a secret identity to give him a break. This idiot needs education about the dangers of villains/public identities, something the students of PS238 learned much younger. He’s used to powered having great rank, and not the dangers. (no phone for you. 84 should give it to the tech-master to feed harmless fluff)
He still needs a smack for being dumb. She wears a mask for a reason.
I really like the take on marginalizing a portion of a population and how 84 (or Eighty-Four?) decides to take pride in herself and starts a movement for those people.
Honestly I just like to see Forak get some character development. This is the first time he has done something because believed in it rather than because he was ordered or threatened.
21 thoughts on “06/09/2014”
Frith Ra
Is it time for 84 to 86 this guy?
Recommendation for catchphrase.
Yeah, but two more FISS heroes later, and you’re going to have a difficulty.
Prairie Son
Nah, that’s just 86’s trademarkable catchphrase.
“I’m gonna 86 you!”
Let’s hope 69 will not change their alias to their number
I suspect the question is: Is there enough d’aww factor to get her over the creepy stalker aspect?
In other words: You’ve got someone who genuinely thinks you are wonderful and doing great things. 🙂 He comes across as a creepy stalker 🙁 Which feeling wins out?
Judging from 84’s expression, I’d say “creeper stalker.”
Judging from 84’s expression, I’d say “creepy stalker.”
Xel Unknown
Well dude means well… But he’s a dumbass it seems.
It is a safe bet that he will Forak things up.
Welcome to Mooshadow’s life.
Moonshadow has a secret identity to give him a break. This idiot needs education about the dangers of villains/public identities, something the students of PS238 learned much younger. He’s used to powered having great rank, and not the dangers. (no phone for you. 84 should give it to the tech-master to feed harmless fluff)
He still needs a smack for being dumb. She wears a mask for a reason.
Villains aren’t the real problem when it comes to secret identities. It’s the fans.
Moe Lane
…There really is no escape for him here, is ther?
I really like the take on marginalizing a portion of a population and how 84 (or Eighty-Four?) decides to take pride in herself and starts a movement for those people.
Honestly I just like to see Forak get some character development. This is the first time he has done something because believed in it rather than because he was ordered or threatened.
I just continue to enjoy the brick empowerment movement.
You know, a thought just occurred to me:-
Forak can actually BE the mild-mannered reporter instead of the Triple-S F.I.S.S the government expects 84 to train him into.
That… makes a lot of sense. Plus, you’d get the hilarious setup of having an intrepid reporter with a meek superhero alter-ego.
Moe Lane
You win one internet.
Forak’s just way too eager to please, isn’t he?
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