
15 thoughts on “06/04/2014

  1. We’re missing a page.

  2. Actually, as she is still a minor, I believe that her parents may have some legal say as to the contents of that website, especially photos and video.

  3. You’re right.

  4. these guys are bad news, they can be political WITHOUT creeping on a small girl….

    1. True, though it must be remembered that *this* small girl can pick up and throw a bus if she wants to. It does change the typical stalker/creeper power dynamic.

      1. temperaryobsessor

        Right because everyone knows that only people without the ability to throw a car would care about FISS rights and thus have reason to stalk her.

      2. Not really. Most of the people on that website can pick up and throw a bus if they want to, so that change to the typical dynamic isn’t as much as you think.

        If Forak’s not actually signed up or he’s a little stronger than he seems, maybe even all of them can. He can at least pick up a car.

        Actually, wait. Since the police tend to be the ones who enforce restraining orders rather than super heroes, it actually might change the dynamic the other direction from what you’re expecting.

  5. This is getting creepy. This fan could be a danger and a real win for any future nemesis.

    1. He could also potentially be arrested for stalking a minor. Depending on their world’s laws.

      1. Actually, if you take a video of someone who does a patrol, I don’t think that is stalking since they could be found there fairly regularly. Even if they follow her around, as long as she’s in her suit, its not much different than taking videos of adult superheros. If they pry into her secret identity, THAT would be getting stalkery, but for now this is entirely benign.

  6. On the one hand, yeah, stalking a minor is undeniably creepy and wrong…, it’s, like, wreepy. On the other hand…, who the heck is going to accost her? When the minor in question can take you and crush your whole body into a diamond that happens to have your DNA in it, I think that she’s pretty safe.

    1. Nope.

      Julie is still a youngster. Emotional blackmail could be used. Power in this world isn’t only physical.

      A proper evil scum-type person could turn 84 into a world destroying monster.

      Youth is still youth.

      1. Good point. That’s why I taught my kid that you don’t negotiate with evil, you only embolden it when you do. Something that someone needs to teach our government.

  7. I don’t know – would this qualify as stalking? Or is it no different than paparazzi taking pictures and videos of teen and pre-teen celebrities in our world? (Actually, come to think of it, I find the paparazzi much creepier)

  8. Ok thats it forak needs a very long and “intensive” discussion on understanding PERSONAL PRIVACY! Some one ask ambriel for the ‘splod-a-bat! Also its nice to see ron happy again.

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