If I had to guess, I bet we have at least two more updates before we actually learn anything solid. Until then, at least one exploring the place they found and at least one raising questions about it. THEN I predict answers start coming.
I didn’t bring this up earlier because I forgot the source. in 1958 a set of twins were born in New York and the parents named them “Winner” and “Loser.”
Ultimately, Lou grew up to become a success police detective and Winnie grew up to be a petty criminal. I’m sure there were other social and family dynamics in play. After all Winnie is more or less a girl’s name and everyone likes an underdog.
Plus, Winner and Loser were the youngest of seven or eight siblings. We don’t know what their family financial situation was like, what the parent’s jobs were, or their social status. Although, I suspect they were woking class.
Anyway, it’s possible Ron’s mother was conducting a social experiment.
Alternatively, his mother probably needs to be rescued __a whole lot__ if she’s anything like Lois Lane. And, It’s entirely possible she agreed to the name in the hopes that his father would come to her aid when the scat hit the fan, or when trouble came to blows, in ron’s schooling.
Also, we do know Ron’s mother is susceptible to mesmerism, and I always figured that was the only way Superman and similar such hero’s could pull off the glasses trick.
Actually, the last king was Ja-Ron. So, if we presume one of the contenders for the throne was Ka-Ron (Atlas’ father, perhaps), the sequence would run J K L M.
Slimecat, I read about those brothers in “Freakonomics”. The authors interviewed Loser while researching the book; he said that while he got some occasional ribbing from fellow cops, most of them called him Lou.
While I’m on the subject of “Freakonomics”, one of the chapters discusses how the producers of the “Adventures of Superman” radio show teamed up with a group of investigators who infiltrated the KKK to use the show to make the Klan into a national laughingstock. The investigators passed on the “secret code words” and other info to the producers who used the info in the episodes where Superman battled the Klan.
Getting back to “PS238”, I suspect that the Praetorian Academy student who mind-controlled Lisa was a former PS238 student named Jared Whitman (aka “Override”) an exceptionally powerful telepath. Jared was able to mind control his parents for years; the only reason the staff at PS238 could control him was thanks to training in resisting telepathic assault the Union of Justice had undergone, plus an anti-telepathic serum Herschel and Doc Positron developed. If Jared was the Praetorian student, then Lisa had no defense against him.
The short version of Ron’s true name is that he’s an alien. Learn a second language sometime; plenty of things can sound out of context when they’re spoken in another language. After all, Superman’s real name is Cal El, and I strongly suspect that Argosian naming tradition is based on Kryptonian nomenclature as a bit of an homage.
Another reference to ironic sounding names would be from the webcomic Girl Genius: “I am Zeetha, Daughter of Chump. A great warrior, and I know what that means in your language. Very funny, isn’t it?” I might have gotten the wording a bit off, but for those unfamiliar with that work Zeetha is a dual sword wielding badass warrior princess. And her last name (effectively) is Chump.
Irony is the preferred literary device of the best writers.
You want to learn Spanish in less than two or three weeks?
First, learn the common verbs and their conjugations, then learn common nouns, follow this by leaning the directions like “in front of” “behind” “beside” “on top of” “bellow” and then you can worry about pronunciation of vowels. I’m fairly certain has been drilled in spanish greetings by now.
All you have to do at that point is use and practice your memory. It’s not rocket science, physics, or psychology, all of which contain concepts that can be easily understood by an 11 year old.
And, Flushmaster, everyone is trained in mathematics even the illiterate. That’s why it’s considered the language of God, and has become the foundation of music.
I meant to say “I’m fairly certain everyone has been drilled in spanish greetings by now.” I apologize for the missing word error.
It’s ok. You’d be wrong, of course. The issue? Somewhere in the world, people are having sex right now. And there’s thousands of women in labor. More than 7,000,000,000 people, average lifespan under 80, gives more than 87,500,000 people born every year. More than 200,000 people born every day, even after correcting for not all days are as popular for conceiving a child, so not all days are as popular for giving birth. That’s somewhere near three people born every second. Labor lasts longer than 5 minutes on average. A lot longer, as I’d guess your mother probably informed you at one point when she was particularly frustrated.
As such, there’s probably more than 40,000 people at any given moment who are too young to even really properly begin to speaking their first language, let alone specifically Spanish greetings.
We won’t have everyone drilled in “particular aspect of language of your choice” until years after that all stops.
This also goes for anything that you feel everybody knows.
Also, language changes over time. There are greetings I use on an almost daily basis that weren’t even words back when I first learned English. We won’t have everyone drilled in “particular aspect of language of your choice” until years after that all stops. And that’s even *harder* to stop, because we just *do* it, without really even thinking about it.
Different people are different, and nobody thinks like me but me, and probably nobody thinks like you but you. To be clear, this isn’t really directed at Slimecat, but anyone reading, and it’s true for us all.
The problem with special snowflakes isn’t that we aren’t special. It’s that we’re all special, so being special really doesn’t make you different. You were already different. But we’re all people, and we need to remember that so are the other people around us, and while they’re like us in many ways, they’re also different in more ways than we’ll ever really understand. It doesn’t take a hundred miles of walking in somebody’s shoes to understand them. Most of the time, I don’t really understand me, even though I’ve walked all of my miles in my shoes. I’m getting better, but I’m not there yet.
To be clear, I don’t really understand you. If I’ve met you, I’ve tried, but there’s only so much I can do. I do what I can, because it’s all I can do.
Hmm, the plot thickens like custard – gloopy, yellow and delicious. Will they reach Atlas without Dax-Ra interfering? What will happen when they do? And what the heck is going on with that dome?
The kind of man Ron thinks his father is? I can’t help but think that people would be given the wrong impression; Ron didn’t seem to have a high opinion of his dad or maybe he has too high of an opinion.
While Ron doesn’t get along with his parents these days, he knows what kind of man his father is: someone who spent years of his life (and sacrificed a happy marriage and his relationship with his son) saving people whose lives were in danger from natural disasters, criminals, super-powered criminals, would-be world conquerors, giant monsters and alien invaders. And what’s he going to say, “My dad’s a horrible person because he threw me at a pair of bank robbers while trying to teach me to fight crime and save lives,”?
I want to go off topic for a second and bring up Tyler’s clone Toby. I haven’t seen anyone mention it here but when I was a kid, Walt Disney’s “Wonderful World of Color” (Yes, it was a long time ago) ran a movie in three parts called; “Toby Tyler – Ten Weeks With A Circus” Was this intentional or did the creator not know about this movie?
21 thoughts on “05/24/2013”
So now we find out what this testing was all about…
If I had to guess, I bet we have at least two more updates before we actually learn anything solid. Until then, at least one exploring the place they found and at least one raising questions about it. THEN I predict answers start coming.
I didn’t bring this up earlier because I forgot the source. in 1958 a set of twins were born in New York and the parents named them “Winner” and “Loser.”
Ultimately, Lou grew up to become a success police detective and Winnie grew up to be a petty criminal. I’m sure there were other social and family dynamics in play. After all Winnie is more or less a girl’s name and everyone likes an underdog.
Plus, Winner and Loser were the youngest of seven or eight siblings. We don’t know what their family financial situation was like, what the parent’s jobs were, or their social status. Although, I suspect they were woking class.
Anyway, it’s possible Ron’s mother was conducting a social experiment.
Alternatively, his mother probably needs to be rescued __a whole lot__ if she’s anything like Lois Lane. And, It’s entirely possible she agreed to the name in the hopes that his father would come to her aid when the scat hit the fan, or when trouble came to blows, in ron’s schooling.
Also, we do know Ron’s mother is susceptible to mesmerism, and I always figured that was the only way Superman and similar such hero’s could pull off the glasses trick.
It could also be “Ul-Ron’s son is Mo-Ron, and his son is Sa-Ron, and his son is Ga-Ron and the next one is Ul-Ron again”
It could also be “rule of funny.”
Prairie Son
Actually, the last king was Ja-Ron. So, if we presume one of the contenders for the throne was Ka-Ron (Atlas’ father, perhaps), the sequence would run J K L M.
Better than numbers, in my opinion.
Slimecat, I read about those brothers in “Freakonomics”. The authors interviewed Loser while researching the book; he said that while he got some occasional ribbing from fellow cops, most of them called him Lou.
While I’m on the subject of “Freakonomics”, one of the chapters discusses how the producers of the “Adventures of Superman” radio show teamed up with a group of investigators who infiltrated the KKK to use the show to make the Klan into a national laughingstock. The investigators passed on the “secret code words” and other info to the producers who used the info in the episodes where Superman battled the Klan.
Getting back to “PS238”, I suspect that the Praetorian Academy student who mind-controlled Lisa was a former PS238 student named Jared Whitman (aka “Override”) an exceptionally powerful telepath. Jared was able to mind control his parents for years; the only reason the staff at PS238 could control him was thanks to training in resisting telepathic assault the Union of Justice had undergone, plus an anti-telepathic serum Herschel and Doc Positron developed. If Jared was the Praetorian student, then Lisa had no defense against him.
The short version of Ron’s true name is that he’s an alien. Learn a second language sometime; plenty of things can sound out of context when they’re spoken in another language. After all, Superman’s real name is Cal El, and I strongly suspect that Argosian naming tradition is based on Kryptonian nomenclature as a bit of an homage.
Another reference to ironic sounding names would be from the webcomic Girl Genius: “I am Zeetha, Daughter of Chump. A great warrior, and I know what that means in your language. Very funny, isn’t it?” I might have gotten the wording a bit off, but for those unfamiliar with that work Zeetha is a dual sword wielding badass warrior princess. And her last name (effectively) is Chump.
Irony is the preferred literary device of the best writers.
You want to learn Spanish in less than two or three weeks?
First, learn the common verbs and their conjugations, then learn common nouns, follow this by leaning the directions like “in front of” “behind” “beside” “on top of” “bellow” and then you can worry about pronunciation of vowels. I’m fairly certain has been drilled in spanish greetings by now.
All you have to do at that point is use and practice your memory. It’s not rocket science, physics, or psychology, all of which contain concepts that can be easily understood by an 11 year old.
And, Flushmaster, everyone is trained in mathematics even the illiterate. That’s why it’s considered the language of God, and has become the foundation of music.
I meant to say “I’m fairly certain everyone has been drilled in spanish greetings by now.” I apologize for the missing word error.
It’s ok. You’d be wrong, of course. The issue? Somewhere in the world, people are having sex right now. And there’s thousands of women in labor. More than 7,000,000,000 people, average lifespan under 80, gives more than 87,500,000 people born every year. More than 200,000 people born every day, even after correcting for not all days are as popular for conceiving a child, so not all days are as popular for giving birth. That’s somewhere near three people born every second. Labor lasts longer than 5 minutes on average. A lot longer, as I’d guess your mother probably informed you at one point when she was particularly frustrated.
As such, there’s probably more than 40,000 people at any given moment who are too young to even really properly begin to speaking their first language, let alone specifically Spanish greetings.
We won’t have everyone drilled in “particular aspect of language of your choice” until years after that all stops.
This also goes for anything that you feel everybody knows.
Also, language changes over time. There are greetings I use on an almost daily basis that weren’t even words back when I first learned English. We won’t have everyone drilled in “particular aspect of language of your choice” until years after that all stops. And that’s even *harder* to stop, because we just *do* it, without really even thinking about it.
Different people are different, and nobody thinks like me but me, and probably nobody thinks like you but you. To be clear, this isn’t really directed at Slimecat, but anyone reading, and it’s true for us all.
The problem with special snowflakes isn’t that we aren’t special. It’s that we’re all special, so being special really doesn’t make you different. You were already different. But we’re all people, and we need to remember that so are the other people around us, and while they’re like us in many ways, they’re also different in more ways than we’ll ever really understand. It doesn’t take a hundred miles of walking in somebody’s shoes to understand them. Most of the time, I don’t really understand me, even though I’ve walked all of my miles in my shoes. I’m getting better, but I’m not there yet.
To be clear, I don’t really understand you. If I’ve met you, I’ve tried, but there’s only so much I can do. I do what I can, because it’s all I can do.
Good luck. You’ll need it out there. It’s rough.
Hmm, the plot thickens like custard – gloopy, yellow and delicious. Will they reach Atlas without Dax-Ra interfering? What will happen when they do? And what the heck is going on with that dome?
The kind of man Ron thinks his father is? I can’t help but think that people would be given the wrong impression; Ron didn’t seem to have a high opinion of his dad or maybe he has too high of an opinion.
Well, Moonshadow’s there too. Disregarding his family issues, Atlas really is a great hero, and a good person. Moonshadow can vouch for that.
While Ron doesn’t get along with his parents these days, he knows what kind of man his father is: someone who spent years of his life (and sacrificed a happy marriage and his relationship with his son) saving people whose lives were in danger from natural disasters, criminals, super-powered criminals, would-be world conquerors, giant monsters and alien invaders. And what’s he going to say, “My dad’s a horrible person because he threw me at a pair of bank robbers while trying to teach me to fight crime and save lives,”?
84: “That was easy. Too easy.”
Emerald Gauntlet: “Oh c’mon Julie, why’d you have to jinx us?”
84: “We’re on an alien planet fighting robots because other aliens tricked us into coming here and now you’re worried about bad luck?”
Emerald Gauntlet: “Good point.”
I notice that Moon Shadow didn’t promise before he switched the subject to the castle. 😉
Well, he has been taking lessons from Revenant.
Ed Rhodes
I want to go off topic for a second and bring up Tyler’s clone Toby. I haven’t seen anyone mention it here but when I was a kid, Walt Disney’s “Wonderful World of Color” (Yes, it was a long time ago) ran a movie in three parts called; “Toby Tyler – Ten Weeks With A Circus” Was this intentional or did the creator not know about this movie?
Stephen Bierce
I was thinking about that movie the other day but had forgotten the title.
Ed Rhodes
Sorry, meant to post this as well;
Sorry… it’s Kal-El, not Cal El (though if memory serves, it was originally Kal-L).
And, according to Phil, her name is pronounced as: See the chump…
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