
6 thoughts on “05/18/2012

  1. “Wish me out of the house.” I think Tyson has won on creativity. So far. I’d imagine the of offspring of order and chaos can top him.

    1. I’d imagine Murphy would be pretty hard to beat, for obvious reasons.

  2. o_o I’m not sure that the clone naming the original as a copy is going to win him a lot of good brotherly love…

  3. Well, from Tyson’s PoV/wishful thinking he is the original.

  4. temporaryobsessor

    Why couldn’t Toby use his powers to target the legal and organized evils? e.g. encourage stuff like the underground railroad and harboring Jews.
    A. He’s a kid.
    B. His powers balance good and bad effects not order and chaos.
    C. Other

  5. I emphatically reject the philosophy of dualism as a debunked belief system. Better philosophers and thinkers than I have trashed it most thoroughly: C.S. Lewis being most noted. If Good and Evil were equal but opposite forces, then Evil and Good would be equally effective and functional— while empirical evidence shows they are not.

    Toby’s powers were not balanced between Good and Evil, but between Order and Chaos, which are completely different concepts. Granted he’s a child, and hasn’t got the depth of intellect to understand that— one HOPES that someone wiser will point this out to him.

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