But Zodon didn’t, really. He basically pointed out why joining Victor wouldn’t work: Victor’s claiming they’d be equals while planning on them not being equals.
If Victor was planning on them actually being equals, it wouldn’t matter who invited whom to the conquest. Since Victor clearly isn’t willing to be the invited party, Zodon can’t trust being the invited party.
“Join me” usually means in a partnership of equals. When these two use it they mean it in more of a “serve me” fashion. Thus the big obstacle to their goals of world domination (or whatever) is their own egos.
Thankfully for everyone else, yes. What’s extra funny is I think Zodon just does it to annoy Victor – he’s had no problem working (if a bit bombastically and reluctantly) with people with complimentary abilities (or even people who are his universal compliments).
Zodon’s actually quite good at working with the good guys for his own personal gain. Of course, he’s actually manipulating them, and good achieved is entirely coincidental, just you remember that!
It’s interesting that Zodon’s complementary self that we’ve met is actually pretty nice, and Zodon’s parents were, too, though _their_ complementary selves were unpleasant…maybe they hired a good nanny and that’s why complementary Zodon came out okay.
You’re missing the point… The point is that Zodon just got Victor to ADMIT that he wasn’t proposing a partnership of equals (VERY bad form: betray them later–you intended to all along; but NEVER admit it).
Neither Victor nor his sister are are particularly clever, they are extremely well educated and genius gazetteers, but they lack a lot social intelligence.
13 thoughts on “05/14/2014”
Why do I get the feeling that these two will be doing the whole “Join me” spiel to each other for a good portion of their lives?
But Zodon didn’t, really. He basically pointed out why joining Victor wouldn’t work: Victor’s claiming they’d be equals while planning on them not being equals.
If Victor was planning on them actually being equals, it wouldn’t matter who invited whom to the conquest. Since Victor clearly isn’t willing to be the invited party, Zodon can’t trust being the invited party.
I wonder how Victor would react if he was told he wasn’t defeated by Zodon- he was defeated by Captain Kirk. 🙂
“Join me” usually means in a partnership of equals. When these two use it they mean it in more of a “serve me” fashion. Thus the big obstacle to their goals of world domination (or whatever) is their own egos.
Thankfully for everyone else, yes. What’s extra funny is I think Zodon just does it to annoy Victor – he’s had no problem working (if a bit bombastically and reluctantly) with people with complimentary abilities (or even people who are his universal compliments).
Zodon’s actually quite good at working with the good guys for his own personal gain. Of course, he’s actually manipulating them, and good achieved is entirely coincidental, just you remember that!
It’s interesting that Zodon’s complementary self that we’ve met is actually pretty nice, and Zodon’s parents were, too, though _their_ complementary selves were unpleasant…maybe they hired a good nanny and that’s why complementary Zodon came out okay.
Prairie Son
Yeah, Victor makes that realization next page. Which in a strange way means he kind of owes Zodon.
Not that he’d ever admit it.
Zordan might even know that his ego is his own worst enemy. So he has a edge up on Victor.
You’re missing the point… The point is that Zodon just got Victor to ADMIT that he wasn’t proposing a partnership of equals (VERY bad form: betray them later–you intended to all along; but NEVER admit it).
Victor’s not as clever as he thinks he is, is he?
Well, sure, great at science, not so good at people.
Neither Victor nor his sister are are particularly clever, they are extremely well educated and genius gazetteers, but they lack a lot social intelligence.
*genius gadgeteers* – accursed spellcheck
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