
6 thoughts on “05/10/2013

  1. Skills learned at recess finally come in handy! After all it’s no fair if one side gets to have more players!

    1. Asymmetrical warfare is the way of the world. Everyone has some unknown or unseen advantage that they may or may not be aware of. Justice isn’t always fair, and fairness isn’t always “Just Us” dictating the will of the universe.

      I think idea of equality and fair play is nice, but I hesitate to refer to structure as a skill. Organization is a skill, structure is a strategy that uses organization to measure value or compare similar products. Despite this, the fact remains that some things are given more consideration or opportunities improve than others.

      1. sorry for the missing the and to.

  2. That is absolutely correct, Slimecat.

    However, in this instance, we are working within the framework of a story. People want their world to be simple. To grasp the underlying principles without having to constantly rework and rebalance their own position and view of, well, “everything”.

    A Story (or a simulation, or a game, for that matter) works within a limited framework of the actual, larger world. It allows us the satisfaction of a world that makes “sense”, in which good and evil can be easily identified, rewarded and punished, problems set right, personal growth can be felt and, sometimes or to a degree, measured.

    It is within this framework that i, as a reader, accept the setting of the story as a “complete” world in itself, and that i find this satisfaction for me. After all, should i wish for injustice and/or imbalance, i could turn on the news. Actually, i find these simple (and in this framework true) statements and actions refreshing, like a holiday from real life.

    Respectfully, and with only my opinion expressed,

  3. Is it just me or does the alien look surprised in the last panel?

    1. For some reason, he/she/it was not expecting an effective counter-attack. Poor choice.

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