
13 thoughts on “04/07/2014

  1. “Spending your energy.”

    This could get…interesting.

    1. Yeah, he got turned into this one S. Guy from Marvel, rather than Captain America.

  2. Nobody provided him with the user’s manual.

    1. Na, that be too easy. :/

    2. Manual? He’s male.

    3. No user’s manual? So he’s the Greatest American Hero?

    4. An owner’s manual is just one man’s opinion

  3. Matt [in Middletown]

    Wait, spending?
    He can send out blasts and such now?
    Uh oh.

    1. Justice Blast! American Way Ray! Patriot!…..Beam!

  4. I love Cecil’s ‘*whew* I didn’t kill anybody’ face.

  5. SEVEN STAR SYSTEMS OF MATTER!??!!? To manipulate a few tons of robot in a fight? What an astoundingly horrible ratio of energy transfer. You think you would at least get around a trillion to one, even cross dimensionally.

    1. I’m fairly certain he’s re-writing the laws of physics, which would take a fair amount of energy.

      1. Yeah, I suspect he’s empowering the robot to do things its material structure cannot withstand and to reshape reality around himself to deal as much punishment to 84 and Patriot as he is. There’s likely lots of material creation happening.

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