
6 thoughts on “03/31/2014

  1. Tyler has a good point.

  2. Ron, Ron, Ron, don’t you know that we all make our own “luck”? Except when outside forces beyond our control act upon our lives.

    1. Moonshadow is an outside force to Ron. He kind of misses that Ron is not a overwhelming force. Sadly, Ron is not used to being overshadowed by outside forces and Ron is so he adapts better.

      1. I’m confused by your post. Ron is and isn’t used to being overshadowed by outside forces?

  3. Wow, um… I think Ron might actually be a little retarded. 😀 Little things like “cause and effect” and “noticing basic concepts in the universe” seem to be passing him RIGHT on by lately, lol!

  4. Darn good thing Zodon taught Ron how to fly way back when, huh? 😛

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