Oh, this is made of so much win. Cecil’s upset at being lied to, still, and now knows Mal is a metahuman (or…something). You can see it n his initial posture. But Mal tells him the bad news…and CECIL STILL TRUSTS HIM. That’s a major bit of heartwarming awesome.
Malphast did not lie to Cecil as much as Tyler and the Revenant did (presumably because Cecil had less contact with him). IMO his only lies were ones of omission and he is coming clean with everything now.
3 thoughts on “03/07/2012”
Chris PV
Oh, this is made of so much win. Cecil’s upset at being lied to, still, and now knows Mal is a metahuman (or…something). You can see it n his initial posture. But Mal tells him the bad news…and CECIL STILL TRUSTS HIM. That’s a major bit of heartwarming awesome.
Malphast did not lie to Cecil as much as Tyler and the Revenant did (presumably because Cecil had less contact with him). IMO his only lies were ones of omission and he is coming clean with everything now.
I think…I think Cecil is who Phil Coulson would be if he’d developed superpowers as a child.
Or maybe they’re cousins!
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