
9 thoughts on “02/06/2013

  1. Smash everything until the problem is solved? I like this plan!

  2. Nice job on the robots quick fix feature. Heck kidnap the guy you have hostage and bring him to the school to build more of them.

    1. Hershel would love that. Mind you, those robots probably only know what the layout of the ship is like, so anything that does not conform to the established specifications gets “repaired” until it does. Hershel and Forak will need to reprogram the machines with what the school is supposed to be like so that they can repair it to specifications.

      1. You guys seem to be assuming that Forak has the skills to build robots with sophisticated AIs using a primitive society’s resources. He can’t. As he said in the last page, the ship is automated. The ship builds repair robots as needed. The same holds true for Argosian society: everything the Royal caste needs is provided by machines or by the [SPOILERS redacted]. Forak is basically the ship’s babysitter, and like all babysitters, he spends his time watching movies and eating junk food.

      2. Wouldn’t that be cool though.
        Ps238 transforms into the USS Schooled NCC-238
        Art work cross over requested.

  3. Best. Superhero Power. EVER.

  4. Yeah, dismissively suggesting that kids like these indulge themselves at troublemaking attempts in a patronizing manner was definitely not a wise idea, Forak. Guardian Angel in particular seems to have taken the casual dismissal as a personal challenge.

    And I rather like Ambriel having acquired that bat. She used to be the nigh-invincible kid that made a great human shield but couldn’t really do much on her own aside from stand in the adversary’s way and make wisecracks. While her bat isn’t a gamebreaking weapon (at least when compared to her classmates’ offensive abilities) it does give her a means of doing something other than being a comic relief human shield. And I find it amusing how she’s become more proactive now that she has it. Like bat-happy “we might need to get this kid some therapy before she goes on a sociopathic rampage” proactive. I’m sure she’s got plenty of repressed aggression issues.

    1. Repressed aggression issues? I don’t see a lot of repression going on lately… 🙂

      1. Not so much since she got the bat, at least. I’m just saying she seems to be getting a bit whack-happy with that thing. And my twisted little mind finds this incredibly amusing. Perhaps this is a reason why my sister has never asked me to babysit.

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