
9 thoughts on “01/09/2013

  1. Well, this little team exercize is off to a booming start… *rolls eyes*

  2. Herschel isn’t going to go on a power-armor rampage to destroy all Clay Industries tech so it isn’t used by anyone, is he?

    1. No, but that would be sofriggincoolohmygoshnowIwantTOSEETHATSOBAD!

      1. Sadly, that’d be counter-productive. He’s the owner of Clay Industries, and he uses that tech for PS238, too.

        1. I was making a reference to an Iron Man story arc called ‘Armor Wars’. That same reasoning didn’t slow Stark down.

        2. Sorry, I don’t follow Iron Man. ^^;

  3. At a guess, I would say this is tech that Clay sold to the government and that shouldn’t be in private hands. I would also guess that this “Headmaster” character has links to the group that tried to pull a coup d’etat earlier.

    1. You’re starting to get some idea, but you’ll need to stick around until issue—-49?—-to get the whole story.

      It’s a doozy.

      1. I’ve read that one too, and I know what you mean. So simple, yet so complicated.
        I have a theory about “omega one” that I will share with you all when that issue goes up. That’s gonna be awhile though. Darn.

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