
13 thoughts on “01/08/2014

  1. He’s a busy man, that Revenant… but he always has time for mentoring…

  2. I always love how, whenever we see revenant giving advice to one of the kids, he’s nonchalantly dealing with some super villain. They’re just no challenge to this guy 🙂

    1. He is the Batman Expy of this World.
      It kinda comes with the territory:

    2. They clearly are a challenge.

      It’s just the challenge is Whack-A-Mole.

      And he’s playing it 24 hours a day.

      I’m guessing he was born under Aquarius.

  3. Multitasking LIKE A BOSS 😀

  4. Should I recognize the hamburger symbol?

  5. He’s the gosh-darn Revenant! He can fight a woman with an arachnid fetish trying to break into a nuclear silo, and still try to keep Cecil Holmes from setting his neighborhood on fire!

    Next page, Cecil tries out a tool that should be familiar to fans of a certain sci-fi TV series.

    And in case anyone’s forgotten, this is the command chair from the bridge of the Valiant Lance, the Argonian star cruiser that brought Lord Dax-Ra and Forak to Earth, and which is currently lost in space, being assimilated by a interstellar mecha-squid. And Moonshadow and Ron Peterson are trapped on board!

  6. The tool is called a Sonic something or other. It is handy at unlocking and opening all sorts of things. Reverent got it from a travelling friend of his who said he had built a better version after he went through a recent change in his lifestyle, so Reverent could have the old one. That’s the one he gave Cecil.

    1. Sonic screwdriver… and even at the ‘fall of the Eleventh’, it still didn’t have a setting for wood…

  7. Gee, leor613 and David Nuttall, do you tell people what they are getting for Christmas and birthdays, too? What do you tell yourselves to justify waving spoilers around in everyone’s faces?

  8. Funny how the Archives program skips issue #48.

    1. The archives often lag just a bit after an issue ends. If I want to re-read, I’ve found it to be simpler to use the print compendiums.

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